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Book Launch - Artificial Intelligence and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on AI - 18 September 2024

This book launch will provide an opportunity for the editors to introduce the book and engage in a roundtable discussion with the panellists and audience members about current and future issues related to urban AI.

– Published 30 August 2024

Books. Photo.

Book Launch - Artificial Intelligence and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on AI

18 September 15:00-17:00

E-building, Room 1426, John Ericssons väg 2, LTH campus

This book explores in theory and practice how artificial intelligence (AI) intersects with and alters the city. The contributors draw upon theories and methods from urban geography, planning, architecture, science and technology studies, sociology, and political science to examine case studies of autonomous vehicles, urban robots, platforms, algorithms, and city brains. The findings reveal the multitude of repercussions that AI is having on society, infrastructure networks, governance processes, and urban transitions. 

This book launch will provide an opportunity for the editors to introduce the book and engage in a roundtable discussion with the panellists and audience members about current and future issues related to urban AI. 

Andrew Karvonen, Architecture and the Built Environment, Lund University, (Chair)

Robert Willim, Digital Cultures, Lund University

Lorena Melgaco, Human Geography, Lund University

Otello Palmini, Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Ferrara

James White, Technology and Society, Lund University


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