Climate and Energy
The climate issue is a key challenge for cities, both to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to future environmental conditions. The production, transmission, and consumption of energy is a key driver of carbon emissions and there is a need to optimise energy services to achieve decarbonisation goals. Climate and energy issues are closely tied to the built environment, policies and regulations, and social practices.
This focus area engages with electricity generation and demand, heating services, water and waste management, and other energy and carbon intensive processes. The research spans the natural and social sciences as well as engineering and humanities, and frequently involves transdisciplinary collaborations with organisations in the public and private sectors as well as non-profit organisations and neighbourhood groups.
Selected projects
- Klimatneutrala städer 2030 - Öppen akademi
- Women in power: peer networking and collectivization towards diversity and inclusion in the Swedish energy sector
- Looking back, moving forwards: a social and cultural history of home heating
- Massive Urban Missions: Advancing and Delivering Climate Neutral Cities
- Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient, Nature Positive and Socially Just Communities in Diverse Landscapes
- Lokal energigemenskap i samverkan
- VERSAM - Regional collaboration to achieve a fossil-free welfare society
- Sociotechnical ecology: Energy systems in urban areas with high sustainability
- DIGItal energy solutions promoting social innovation, CIrcular economy, climate change miTIgation and urban resilience
- ASSURE - Adaptation of urban Space through SUstainable REgeneration
Andrew Karvonen