Brunnshög research
Connected to the city-center of Lund by a grass-covered tramway, the completely new neighborhood of Brunnshög is being developed on previous agricultural land around the world-leading research facilities MAX IV and ESS. Soon, around 40 000 people will be working and living in the area, and through collaborations between the City of Lund and several research partners (*Lund University, SLU, Malmö University, IVL, RISE), the development agenda is being established to realise a sustainable future.
Brunnshög has emerged as a vibrant platform for applied research on transport and mobility, energy and climate, ecological services and nature-based solutions, circular and sharing economies, housing and public space, and more.
The following is a list of current and recently completed Brunnshög research projects.
Project: TRANS-PED: Transforming cities through Positive Energy Districts
Contact: Andrew Karvonen (Lund University/KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
About: TRANS-PED is a 2-year pilot project to develop a governance approach for positive energy district stakeholders to better realize deep changes to their cities. TRANS-PED is an international project involving 11 partners from Austria, Belgium and Sweden, led by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and co-funded by JPI Urban Europe. The team will develop the governance approach through collaboration with five established and aspirational peds.
Funder: JPI Urban Europe
Partners: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Electricity Innovation,
City of Lund, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Duss-explorers, Austrian Academy of Sciences, FH Technikum Wien- University of Applied Sciences, Urban Future, Kleboth und Dolling ZT, Stadlabor Graz, Confluences ASBL
Project: Equalizer: Breaking down the barriers at informal outdoor sport and recreational spaces
Contact: Elizabeth Högdahl (Lund University)
Funder: Vinnova
About: The project deals with the perspectives of gender, place, and physical activity to create changes in the use of public informal outdoor sport and recreational spaces. The project explores, challenges and overcomes place-based norms and raises the disturbance of norms as a central tool in highlighting norms and violations of norms.
Partners: Lund University, Fojab Architects, Malmö University
Project: Off-grid refugee housing in Brunnshög
Contact: Marwa Dabaieh (Malmö University)
About: The project aimed at designing and constructing a demo eco-cycle home prototype that reaches a six ‘Z’ target (i.e. ‘6Zs’): zero emissions, zero energy, zero waste, zero cost, zero indoor air pollutants and zero impact on the environment after the building demolition. The prototype was built together with a group of refugees in 11 working days and the design focuses on fulfilling social and personal needs of its potential residents.
Project: (REWAISE) Resilient Water Innovation for Smart Economy
Contacts: Tobias Hey ( Lund University), Frank Lipnizik (Lund University)
Funder: EUHorizon 2020
About: The project aims to create a “smart water ecosystem” by: (1) Reducing freshwater consumption by over 30% with available alternative water sources, (2) Achieving a zero-carbon water cycle service and generating value from water nutrients and materials, and (3) Demonstrating innovative solutions on pilot scale.
Partners: Lund University, City of Malmö, City of Lund, MKB, Win Water, SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, VA Syd, P Malmö, Sweden Water Research
Project: E-flex: A digital platform for trade of energy and user flexibility
Contacts: Kerstin Sernhed (Lund University), Marcus Thern (Lund University), Axel Johansson (Lund University)
About: In this project, a novel approach to facilitate a sustainable and robust energy system is being tested. In the center of the project is a digital platform to facilitate energy trading. District heating and cooling as well as electric power is traded on the platform.
Funding: Swedish Energy Agency
Partners: Lund University, RISE, Kraftringen, Region Skåne, Energy Opticon, Sustainable Business Hub
Project: Planning for 1000 years: The Råängen experiment
Contact: Roger Hildingsson (Lund University)
About: The project explores how an experimental approach to urban planning can consider the long-term through setting-up ‘conversations with a future situation.’ In doing so, we draw on a unique experiment: Råängen, a piece of farmland in Lund owned by the Cathedral.
Funding: Formas
Project: The role of architecture in shaping new scientific cultures: The case of nanoscience
Contacts: Mattias Kärrholm (Lund University), Sandra Kopljar, (Lund University), Gunnar Sandin (Lund University)
About: In this research project we aim at investigating how the design of the new generation scientific buildings and infrastructures has an impact on the current development of science and scientific culture. The special focus is on recent high-tech architectural developments in the domain of nanoscience. Exploring how these facilities for science of excellence is a common investment, of symbolic importance for universities and society, this project will also relate this discussion to the relation between architectural design and the day-to-day practices of scientific work.
Funding: The Swedish Research Council
Project: COOL DH: Low temperature district heating in Brunnshög
Contacts: Kerstin Sernhed (Lund University), Marcus Thern (Lund University)
About: COOL DH is an abbreviation of Cool ways of using low grade Heat Sources from Cooling and Surplus Heat for heating of Energy Efficient Buildings with new Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH) Solutions. The COOL DH project innovates, demonstrates, evaluates, and disseminates technological solutions needed to exploit and utilize sources of very low-grade surplus heat for heating of energy efficient buildings via Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH).
Funder: EU Horizon 2020
Partners: COWI A/S, Kraftringen, Høje-Taastrup municipality, City of Lund, Euroheat & Power, Logistor A/S, Høje-Taastrup Fjernvarme, Cetetherm, LKF (Lunds Kommuns Fastigheter AB)
Project: CO-HOPE: Collaborative housing in a pandemic era
Contact: Ivette Arroyo (Lund University)
About: The project is examining the role of collaborative housing in relation to the right to the city and evaluate collaborative housing projects in five European countries to create a participatory process and policy recommendations.
Funding: JPI Urban Europe
Partners: 18 partners from Sweden, Spain, Austria and Finland
Project: The sustainable energy system of the future
Contact: Johan Larsson (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute)
About: The project investigates (1) how to facilitate climate neutral cities/district in the
light of electrification, (2) impact on energy and power demand, (3) possible challenges, and
(4) solutions that can help facilitate the changeover. Two scenarios were developed for
the electricity demand in the district, one based in today’s demand, and one based on extensive electrification of mainly the mobility sector.
Partners: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Kraftringen, Nordomatic, Sensative and Electricity
Project: Sociotechnical ecology: Energy systems in urban areas with high sustainability
Contacts: Kerstin Sernhed (Lund University), Marcus Thern (Lund University)
About: This project focuses on the planning and follow-up of energy systems in sustainable districts at the three sub-levels: household level, building level, and district level.
Funder: Swedish Energy Agency
Partners: Lund University, Linköping University, Chalmers